Sunday, August 4, 2013

Wish I had known - helping new moms!

 Here is a list I made at the request of a friend a while ago and I have been sharing ever since.  I am by no means an expert!  I just really didn't have anyone to help me figure things out.  No girlfriends who just had babies so I made a list of the things I wish I had known before.  Of course every baby is different and every mom is different so take it all with a grain of salt!  Feel free to add your comments and tips or share this with anyone.  I know things change very quickly right now.  Most of these things were bought from Craigslist, garage sales or on sale since all things baby are so expensive!

Things I wish I had known!

“The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy”  great book!

Hospital – I heard some people take depends!  Take loose clothes that are comfortable for you.  Take make up because you won’t feel so fresh for pics after having a baby!  If the nurses offer to take the baby to the nursery so you can get a couple of hours of sleep – do it!  You won’t end up reading magazines or books or watching DVDs. It is a personal decision but when your doctor offers you pain medication after delivery I would recommend taking it, you can be a better mom and more patient if you are not in terrible pain!  I had a complicated c-section and lots of pain so not being in pain helped with breast feeding.

As for a hospital bag, the hospital gives you most of the stuff, I would not take much at all, you don’t want your nightgowns or underwear with stains so just use theirs.  Chapstick, snacks for husband, a headband or hairbands, a brush, camera with extra batteries, comfortable maternity clothes for leaving, two sizes of outfits for baby and you really don’t need much!

C-section – definitely use a product called Scar Away, it really protects the area once the incision is closed, it is soft and acts like a big band aid so nothing rubs against it or irritates it.  Target brand Gilligan OMalley seamless boy shorts are great, no seams or anything to push against incision.  Cotton washcloths work really great under the boy shorts while incision is still open, some suggest a pad but I didn’t like it that it stuck to the underwear and moved around my incision.

Newborn clothes: we had a ton of 0 to 3 months clothes and never thought that at 8lbs 3oz he would be too small for them!  So take some newborn clothes and be prepared with some small clothes, take different sizes to the hospital.  Don’t buy too many baby clothes since you will get a ton as gifts! 

Diapers – we found Pampers swaddlers to be the best, no diaper rash, Target has the best prices here.

Rocker – a must have!  We got the Shermag Oak glider at Babiesrus and we love it to this day!

Diaper bag – make sure you get one with lots of compartments and pockets to keep things from going all over the place, get something neutral that your husband won’t mind carrying! Diaper Dude is a good one your husband won’t mind carrying!  I even still use one of our diaper bags as a bag since it is so practical!

Sleeping – our baby used to get awaken by moving his arms too much, they say babies don’t know it is a part of them and get startled, we would hold his arms together by his chest and he would calm down and go back to sleep.  When swaddling opt for Halo sleep sacs, if you swaddle the baby’s legs too tight it can cause hip dysplasia.

Burping – we also would sit him on our lap and hold his chin with one hand and pat him with the other, that position worked better sometimes.  It is better to try and burp them than to have them have gas…

Motherhood maternity has great sales online, buy a little bigger cause you will get there!  They also have great nursing tops and bras.   A great nursing top was glamourmom’s, very discreet, Target Bravado top was really comfortable and practical.

Aimee Nursing gowns – are great and comfortable with some support.

Changing pad for traveling – get the biggest one you can find, they grow fast and most are too small!  I also carried Clorox wipes in diaper bag for those yucky places, Munchkin makes a disposable pad that is big enough to put under changing pad, Target has them - big size for changing in yucky places like airplanes.

Hand sanitizer – you want to avoid getting a cold when pregnant or having your newborn get a cold, I used it everywhere and did not touch my face with dirty hands and used those when touching shopping carts, I never got a cold while pregnant and our baby only got a cold at 8 months!  Also don’t be shy about telling people to stay away from you when they are sick! Really I can't say this enough, don't worry about hurting their feelings, they need to stay away from you!

Thermometer – we got the fancy ear thermometer only to find out it doesn't work on newborns so you have to get the digital thermometer and the hospital gave us some clear gel.  Make sure you know what the difference is in temperature for under arms vs rectal, your pediatrician should tell you when to call, also they say in the start to take the baby’s temp twice a day regardless.  They now told us to take under arm temps.

Hats – great for newborns but they are hard to fit and stay on, the ones that are long with a little knot on top stay on better.  We did not use them past one month.

Nose bulb – great for colds since they can’t blow their nose

Temperature – I found it very hard to gauge temperature and how much clothes to put on him, the rule I found best is one layer more than you (thin layer).  I kept the house around 70 but you don’t want to heat it up too much because then it gets too dry for them.  Overheated babies have higher risk of SIDS.

Boppy pillow – a must for breastfeeding and rocking the baby, get different covers so you can always have one clean.  There is a waterproof one now.

Blankets – have some thin blankets on hand also.  Layers are the key!

Burpy/mouth cloths – you cannot have enough of these with the amount of spitting up they do, go for nice soft ones and at least 6” to 8” square, some can be like sandpaper.

Bibs – I thought bibs were only for when they ate, but having a bib on a baby sometimes saves you from changing outfits 5 times in a row when they spit up!

Crib –Don’t rush on the crib, chances are you will end up using a bassinet or co-sleeper or your bed for a while!  If you use your bed be very safe and read lots on co-sleeping, Dr Sears has great advice.  

Baby clothes – size means nothing, I organized the closet by size and found out the bigger sizes did not fit L 0 to 3 mos can be bigger than 6-9 mos!  So instead of going by labels, measure them against each other.

Desitin – you can buy big tubes at Costco great for preventing diaper rash

Calmoseptin - This is huge!  For really bad diaper rashes this cream is amazing!  You can find it in the pharmacy at Target, you have to ask for it, not prescription.

Washcloths – we only needed a couple, used the rest for burp cloths

Baby bathtub – we had a hard time with those, find something that keeps baby upright and secure, they are so slippery!  We got the Leachco foam safer bather and it works great!

Baby Trend Diaper Champ – great disposal system, you can use regular trash bags! (Target has them) and they are doggie proof!  Our dogs were never able to get in.
Nursery – I found that getting furniture in white was much easier than trying to match different colors or wood stains.

Baby towels – we found them cute but not absorbant and just used regular towels

Baby wipes warmer – we skipped that due to reports of it starting fires

Breathable crib bumper – since because of SIDS they don’t recommend the cute fluffy bumpers, Babiesrus has a mesh one that is breathable “breathable baby” by Trend Lab

Alcohol – for the belly button, our doctor said to soak a cotton ball and drip it on so it would fall faster

Pacifiers – our doctor recommended just letting him suck on his thumbs instead this way if he loses his thumb he knows where to find it but losing a pacifier will make him/her cry.  I actually have seen that at daycare with younger babies, they have a meltdown as soon as they lose the paci. We finally got him some for teething and we liked the BPA free Nubi.

Changing tables are great, especially with a curved pad and a safety strap, we also got covers for the pad and on top of it we put small waterproof Boppy pad liners – lifesavers!  This way you can change the liners when you have an explosion and not have to change the cover!  Also get some waterproof pads (more like cloths), they are great for when you have the baby hanging out on the bed with you and they have an accident or throw up!  But make sure you have something like a thin cotton sheet or blanket over them, otherwise it might make them sweat too much just laying on the waterproof mat.

Bottles – buy BPA free, same for pacifiers.  We made the mistake of only offering too few bottles with breastmilk and he got opinionated and now refuses to take a bottle, so I would introduce a bottle after he/she is 6 weeks old and then do a bottle a few times a week so he/she does not refuse it later.  Slow flow in the beginning otherwise they might not want the breast. 

Car seat – we use the Diono Radian that came highly recommended, good for infants up to toddlers and up to a booster seat so you only have to buy one.  They are a good size and fit side by side nicely. When they are very little the travel system by Graco with a carrier and bases and it worked great.

Baby shoes – cute but also not practical, I read that it is best to wait until they are walking to use shoes or it could deform their feet.  We used the leather ones from Target when he started crawling and standing up but always barefoot at home.

Plastic interlocking rings – hours of fun for young baby!

High contrast baby books – black on white, he has loved books since one month old with Dad reading them to them.

Swing – they used to fall asleep in it and loved it

Activity mat or tummy time mat – keeps them busy when they can’t move around too much and helps with tummy time, something they both hated.

Fisher Price aquarium mobile – the only thing that saved us when changing diapers!  Since they would stare at the fish, made it easier!

Costco wipes – buy in bulk, you will need tons of wipes

Swallowing things – as a rule if it fits in a toilet paper roll, they can choke on it

Sleep and plays – great for colder weather since you get all those cute onesies but they don’t really work, so Gerber and Target have 3 packs for around $10, that are great jumpers with feet.  We found some Costco’s sell Carter’s jumpers for cheap.

Newborn socks and mitts – mitts and socks don’t stay on and are a pain even if they are very cute, outfits that have a sleeve that can turn into a mitt are much better.  We never used the little socks!

Sleep sacks – are wonderful because of all the diaper changes in the middle of the night and fussing with snaps most also have a sleeve that turns into a mitt  You can also buy blanket sacks.  They look like a really long dress.

Moby wrap:  great for newborns up to toddlers also the baby ktan is great.  Baby Ktan is also very awesome!
White Breeze, $59.95

Baby Bjorn: the best carrier!

Medela Pump in style with hands free bra (I would not buy one until you are sure you will breastfeed or have milk)  

Gel pads for sore nipples – hydrogel pads

Breastfeeding – it is wonderful and it can hurt like heck!  But it does get much easier!  Also our nurses said to have him latch right in the center.  We went to a lactation consultant after I had so many issues with it hurting and she showed me to bring him to the nipple not the other way around, wait until he opened his mouth VERY wide like a yawn and actually have him take in more of the lower part of the areola then the upper part – voila!  It was much better after that!  I also found that after a c-section, it was easier to feed him while having him lay down next to me or the “football” hold.  Once they are older that 2 mos it gets much easier with latching and also feeding laying down.  Stick with it if you can, it does get easier!

Avent comfort Breast shell – this is great if you have sore nipples or engorgement

Silicone Lilipadz was awesome to prevent leakage once your supply is more regularLilypadz Reusable Nursing Pad

Disposable breast pads – great for going out but not for home, Lansinoh are the thinnest and best that I found

Cotton reusable breast pads – better for home since cotton is breathable, cuts down risk of yeast infection.

Bumbo seat – great for that in between stage where they don’t sit yet but don’t want to lay down at about 5 months

Jumperoo – rainforest  – highly recommended, very fun for when they are 4 mos plus and can hold their head very steady

Arm’s reach co-sleeper – great size, fits next to bed, can lower one side, large enough to last more than 2 mos.  I think we used it until he could pull himself up at 5 mos

Babe safe mattress cover - helps prevent SIDS but encapsulating the mattress in a plastic bag made with non toxic gas emitting materials

Fan in the room – studies show it cuts down SIDS by 70% by circulating air

Warm mist humidifier – while baby is not mobile, a warm mist humidifier provides more humidity, since they don’t produce much mucus early on.  After they are mobile it needs to be a cool mist humidifier but we found that the warm mist releases much more moisture, after trying many we found this is the best one with a timer and warm/cool mist from Costco.

I really enjoy Dr Sears book on Night time parenting and for sibblings.

Foam tiles are great for when they start sitting and can play without hurting themselves if they lose balance

Water pals swim diapers by Finis – best swim diaper, reusable, much better than disposables, easy to clean

Nightlight – most nightlights are fine when they are not mobile but once they are, they can pull it apart and the tiny bulbs are dangerous, if you get one now, get one that is baby proof and will not come apart.

Honey – babies should not have honey until after one year.

Ask for a stool softener after delivery, trust me!

Target has a great little decorative grass and flower looking rack for drying baby's things and it is BPA free

Update: My friend let me borrow her Ergo baby and this thing rocks for a toddler!  Especially through airports!!!

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